Parkers Pride Faggot Mix 5kg

SKU: PFM03006


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Parkers Pride Faggot Mix 5kg


Method Pig Lites, liver and trimmings (pre cooked) 35%


Faggot Mix 25% Water / Stock 40%


Total 100% Cook pork offal and trimmings in water until tender – mince through 8mm plate.


Add cooked meats to faggot mix and cooking stock – mix thoroughly. Shape into balls – cover with caul fat.


Bake in oven at ~ 190 oc for minimum 30 mins.


Cool and store in chiller. NB. The statutory decleration of minimum meat content will be determined by the inclution level of liver and meat trimmings as, in accordance with the meat.


Product and spreadable fish product regulations 1984, lites (lungs) must be declared as offal and not count as meat per se.


This information is supplied for you guidance.


No guarantees are assumed or implied.


PFM03006: Parkers Pride Faggot Mix 5005 5kg

Additional information

Weight 5.01 kg


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