Vacuum Packer Oil


£14.79£19.14 (excl. VAT)

£17.75 (incl. VAT)

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Vacuum Packer Oil


This specialist Vacuum Pump Oil has been specifically designed with our Busch Vacuum Pumps to ensure long vacuum pump life and maintain an excellent vacuum. Suitable for;

Multivac C70, C100, C200, C250 & C300

Henkleman Jumbo, Boxer, 200A, Falcon, Marlin

ProfiVac SC20

Audion VMS133

Turbovac ST-440, M40, M70, M80, T40, T20

Tepro 4.2, 5 & 5.5H, PP12, PP22

Inter-Com Square 300, 400


Select Table Top or Floor Standing


This specialist vacuum pump oil has been specifically designed for Busch vacuum pumps to ensure long vacuum pump life and to maintain a deeper vacuum. This container has a spout cap ideal for the controlled application of this oil to the pump.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Machine Type

Vacuum Packers


1000ml (1ltr), 500ml

Floor Standing / Table Top

Floor Standing, Table Top

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