Verstegen Caribbean Sauce PURE 2.5ltr
Verstegen Caribbean Sauce PURE 2.5ltr
With a rich red colour, this oil marinade gives your food a real fruity, piquant flavour. It comes loaded with onions, paprika, chickes along with black a green pepper, to give yo that authentic taste.
Makes poultry, pork, game and fish even more refreshing.
150 g/kg, marinate for 12 hours.
Leave your meat or fish to marinate for a minimum of 8 hours. If you are injection tumbling, this could be done quicker.
Water, sugar, inverted sugar syrup, vegetables (onion, paprika, garlic), salt, modified maize starch, currant concentrate, spices, stabilizers: carrageenan and xanthan gum, flavourings, herbs, paprika extract, sunflower oil, vinegar, food acid: lactic acid.
Average nutritional value per 100 g
Energy 116,3 kcal
492,8 kJ
Fat 0,7 g
of which saturated 0,1 g
Carbohydrates 25,7 g
of which sugars 22,6 g
Fibre 1,4 g
Protein 0,9 g
Salt 4,2 g
Sodium 1.765,5 mg
Product id: 130802
EAN: 8712200130822
Contents: 2,50 l
PFM06052: ย Verstegen Caribbean Sauce PURE 2.5ltr Bottle
Additional information
Weight | 2.97 kg |
Features/Style | Gluten Free, PURE, Water Based Sauce |
Size/Capacity | 2.5ltr |